
Orion Photonics(英国)


Unit 1B, Lake Industrial Estate Shebbear Devon EX21 5SP United Kingdom
+44 333 600 7510
+44 333 600 7520
薄膜偏振片  梳状滤波器  偏振片  光学滤波器  镜片  介质膜反射镜  介质膜  双色镜  分束器 


Orion Photonics was formed to provide support for organisations where the technology of thin films plays a strategic role.

It was created by John Allen & Isabella Allen the directors of AJ Thin Films, a thin film design and process development company and Phil Mingay the director of Wordentec Ltd, a manufacturer of precision optical coating systems. Both companies have a long pedigree in all aspects of vacuum coating systems and optical thin films and the formation of Orion Photonics provides an unrivalled synergy and strategic alliance.

Data Sheets

On this page are a number of data sheets describing our products and services.  They are Adobe PDF files which you can open and print using the free Adobe Readersoftware.

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